Glenergy Solar Cooker -- Made in the Ottawa Valley

October 02, 2020

Glenergy Solar Cooker -- Made in the Ottawa Valley

Staff member James putting together one of the first solar cookers to be assembled at our Petawawa location.

This is the very first in a planned family of Glenergy Solar Cookers to be manufactured here, in Canada. We wouldn't be where we are now without the design skills of our partner, Gary Baker of Alternative Designs Inc.  Gary has helped us generate ideas and turn them into prototypes, and now a manufactured product.

Gary is helping us design accessories for our cooker, such as the self-holding turntable, the warming tube/spare tube holder, reflector extensions and cooking tray improvements.

As we prepare for our soft launch at our Petawawa location, we are working on ways to facilitate getting the cookers into the hands of those that live in the rural communities of Africa, where access to affordable, sustainable fuels for cooking is limited.

We truly want to make a difference but to make this happen, we need your help.

Are you a passionate cook, or solar hobbyist? Want to try out our cooker and tell us what you think? Do you know someone who could be interested? Want to donate money to support our efforts?  Visit our Interested in Getting Involved Page. 

Stay tuned for our soft launch and thank-you for your support. 


To contact Gary Baker: Email | | Phone | 1-866-772-3017